Wellness with Adele
5 Ways I Boosted My Immune System to Fight Lyme
Want to learn easy, effective ways I boosted my immune system and helped my body fight back against Lyme, coinfections, and germs consistently and effectively? 

Grab my FREE Guide!

HINT: It's about more than just hand washing, my friends!

Pssst! There's even a BONUS tip inside!
5 Ways I Boosted My Immune System to Fight Lyme
Want to learn easy, effective ways I boosted my immune system and helped my body fight back against Lyme, coinfections, and germs consistently and effectively? 

Grab my FREE Guide!

HINT: It's about more than just hand washing, my friends!

Pssst! There's even a BONUS tip inside!
Grab My Guide!

Meet Adele

          Half my lifetime ago I was expecting to be permanently disabled or even dead at a young age unless I found a way back to hope and health. As a result of a mystery illness, I was nearly bed-ridden as a teenager. Sometimes I had to CRAWL up the 7 steps to my bedroom to get to bed because I couldn’t walk that far. I HAD to nap every single day. I was in *constant* burning, aching pain throughout my body and experienced exhaustion and brain fog so bad I could barely communicate. I had quit all sports, babysitting and other jobs. My ambitions, successes, sense of self, and LIFE were slipping through my fingers. I had been misdiagnosed with autoimmune conditions for years only to finally discover that Lyme disease and co-infections were the primary culprit of my medical mysteries. At the time of my diagnosis, I was spiraling into depression, helplessness, and hopelessness.  I had no idea where this journey would take me, but I could not see a light at the end of it, and that was just plain scary.
          My mom took me to many doctors, but none specialized in Lyme and tick borne illnesses. They all treated the symptoms I was having as best as they could, but I was still getting slowly worse, or having side effects from medications I was being put on. So my mom and I sought alternative options out of desperation. Homeopathy, diet changes, proper supplements, and rest finally started to lead me into healing and the fog started to lift. During that time, myofascial release from a certified massage therapist was one of the most helpful modalities I tried. She used essential oils too, and that was officially my first introduction to their power. All of these alternative options helped me survive, start to thrive, and begin the next leg of my journey: becoming a nurse. I thrived in a career that combined science, research, and helping others through their suffering and health goals. In my young adult years, I finally had the opportunity to continue my treatment and health journey with a Lyme specialist, which has helped me heal more fully than I ever would have thought possible 10yrs ago. 

          I knew that as I got married, started a family, and was working on healing my body, I had some big goals: 1) to be there for my family and to be able to care for them fully and 2) to have a non-toxic home and life in order to live our best lives. My cousin shared with me some of her journey, which had similarities to my own. She was using some things I was already curious about, including essential oils and specialized supplements. I was HOOKED after the first sample I tried! I could now clearly visualize the next steps of my healing journey - hope had returned!
          Now, I have endless hope. I can LIVE LIFE. This is the healthiest I’ve truly been since about age 14 and I’m thriving! I’ve been able to advocate for my own 4 babies, 3 of whom have ended up with Lyme too. I’m dedicated to using my nursing background and love of education in combination with appreciation for functional medicine and alternative therapies to help everyone I can. My hope is renewed. I am empowered and equipped. I’m enjoying and embracing the journey and want to help YOU to be able to have all of that too!

          If you're ready to link arms with me and walk this journey together, please reach out! I'd LOVE to hear from you!

**Disclaimer: I am not a medical professional here to diagnose, treat, cure, or otherwise influence your medical journey outside of the guidance of a medical professional. Please find a doctor you trust and discuss any medical concerns or treatments with them. Also, please know, as an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases through my site at no extra cost to you.
