Zyto & I are here to help!

Are you looking for INDIVIDUALIZED health & wellness options? Tired of guessing what your body needs or what your next healing steps are?


Want an easier way to optimize your health?

Zyto & I will help you work SMARTER, not HARDER!

Using galvanic skin response technology (the same tech that lie detector testing uses), you can literally "see inside" your body & mind to uncover what is stressing it out, AND what is useful for HEALING.

Sounds amazing, huh?
With Zyto Scanning You Will Get:

A peek into your body to look at what is causing "stress" to it (called Stressors) as well as a look at what holistic modalities might help bring balance to your body, mind, & health (called Balancers).

An opportunity to look at Stressors such as toxins, allergens, foods, emotions, hormones, and more. And an opportunity to look at Balancers from categories such as affirmations, foods and drinks, herbs, holistic services, essential oils, exercises, supplements, color therapy, frequencies, and more.

An easy, non-invasive scan using a simple hand cradle & coaching/guidance through each part of the scanning process, including the opportunity to select the Balancers that are right for YOU.

The option to scan remotely if needed. You procure a hand cradle (which I can help with!), & I set up the rest! 

An hour of insight into your wellness like you've never experienced before!

Cost of $150 for adult scans and $100 for child scans. Referral bonuses are offered as a thank you for those you refer for scans.

A customized plan with DOABLE next steps that you help choose.

Knowledge about your body you can't get any other way.

Access to a virtual empowered healing community for further support, answers, & wellness insight.


You can learn more about Zyto technology at their website, found HERE.
What People Are Saying...

Hi there! I'm Adele - nurse, wife, mama, chronic illness warrior, & holistic healing guide. 

My healing journey involved a battle for over 2 decades against Lyme disease and other tick-borne illnesses that wrecked my body, mind, & spirit. It wasn't long ago that I honestly never thought I'd be able to live the life of my dreams because of the state of my deteriorating health.

However that wasn't acceptable to me. I knew, deep down, that healing WAS possible. And I've spent my life dedicated to learning about and growing in the world of holistic - WHOLE person - healing. 

Now I am thriving on my healing journey & I'm truly living my dreams. My passion is to help others be proactive and empowered in their own wellness so that they too can embrace, excel in, & ENJOY their unique healing journeys. 

Click my pic to reach out! 

XO, Adele