What if I told you that your detox...and therefore your healing…could be hindered by your emotions?
How are the two things even connected, you might ask.
Well let my liver tell ya!
(It’s a bit of an “If You Give a Mouse a Cookie” story, but stay with me! It’s important for your health.)
In my healing journey and battle to uncover relief from migraines and headaches in particular, I’ve been led down the path of exploring my detox pathways further (for more about your detox pathways, check THIS out).
In exploring my detox pathways further, I’ve been reminded about the importance of my liver in detoxifying my body. It’s always there, chugging away at MAJOR detoxing, but it’s also easy to forget about it and forget to support it fully. Little Ol’ Liver keeps amazing processes going so our body functions without a glitch. So I start to feel prompted to love on my liver more, just to show it some support.
In remembering to love my liver more, I was reminded that many traditional and alternative areas of healing remind us of one important factor to health overall: that our health and functionality are never just impacted by the physical realm. Our EMOTIONAL selves are manifesting in physical ways every day.
Remembering my emotional self reminded me that I have been letting anger and bitterness I KNOW I harbor go unchecked for a while. And anger, in particular, is one emotion that is very much carried, stored, and manifested in the…you guessed it!...LIVER.
This realization was really more of a needed reminder, as I know I have always battled internal anger. Because of guilt & shame over this anger, I have buried it; tried to hide it. Even ignored it.
Harboring tough feelings is just asking for physical manifestations as our body cries out for release.
My anger had recently started manifesting more as I dealt with difficult/stubborn symptoms and health challenges I want to fix, knowing that they are keys to my health leveling up right now. Anger and frustration just so easily slipped in and infiltrated and undermined my healing.
Because that festering anger only does more damage. It’s only putting more stress on my body, in particular, my liver. I need that liver of mine to be functioning optimally for me to conquer detoxing, circulate healthy blood, and bring me to greater healing overall.
See the spiral that starts to occur? See how emotions just might be the block I’m working through more than a physical one?
Breaking this cycle and actually leveling up my healing starts with me addressing this EMOTIONAL component - the anger in this case - but any emotion that is buried most certainly can have a physical impact.
One of my biggest resources for helping myself stay aware and move through releasing emotions is Releasing Emotional Patterns with Essential Oils by Carolyn Mein.
Knowing that this most CERTAINLY impacts your healing too, I’ve also decided to extend a peek into what I’m doing to all of you in the hopes that this adds one more tool to your “healing toolbox.”
If you’re curious about how stored emotions might be limiting your healing, I’m going to break down the basics of some of those connections and show you EASY and EFFECTIVE ways to break through those detrimental emotional patterns.
Starting this Friday (2/8/22) and running every Friday through February, I’m doing an Emotional Release and Healing Solutions event in my holistic Lyme healing community, Lyme-y & Crunchy.
It’s free to those in the group! So just hop in and join in!
Have YOU ever had to tackle your emotional healing head-on?? Tell me more!
As always, I’m not here as a provider to treat, diagnose, or cure anything at all! Just sharing what I’ve learned about healing along the way in the event that it helps you too! I also mention this book in the post as a personal recommendation. I am in no way endorsing the author beyond what I have discovered to be useful in the book's contents, and I receive no compensation for mentioning her book.