What Is Zyto Scanning & How Does It Work?

What Is Zyto Scanning & How Does It Work?
Do you ever feel like you have a lot of questions about your health, but don't know who to ask? You're not alone. A lot of people feel this way, especially when it comes to mysterious illnesses.

This is why I feel compelled to introduce you to this tool that’s GREATLY impacted our family’s health, and given us more empowerment in our healing.

Please keep reading to find out ALL about Zyto scanning, a service I'm now proud to offer as part of Adele Cole Wellness.  

Lessons From My Liver

Lessons From My Liver

What if I told you that your detox...and therefore your healing…could be hindered by your emotions?

How are the two things even connected, you might ask.

Well let my liver tell ya!


A Word About Healing This New Year

A Word About Healing This New Year
I was on a business coaching call the other day and blurted out words that I didn't even know my heart & healing was aligning with until I said them out loud....


You Aren't Broken - How to Love Yourself While Healing in 3 Simple Mindset Shifts

You Aren't Broken - How to Love Yourself While Healing in 3 Simple Mindset Shifts

I’ll never stop saying it - our mind is a powerful healing tool. With practice, what may seem hard, foreign, or impossible does, in fact, become easier and impactful. And it DOES, with consistent practice, move the needle on our healing.

Mindset starts with how we view ourselves. And this is often the hardest layer to face. But it's necessary to shine love onto our being in order to heal that same being. We ARE love, after all. 

Read on for my 3 specific thoughts on loving yourself while healing.


6 Ideas for Treating Tick Bites Naturally

6 Ideas for Treating Tick Bites Naturally
I’ve compiled 6 of our favorite “strategies” for treating new tick bites with a PROACTIVE stance as an empowered, equipped warrior. Read on for all the goodness and a FREE download version too!
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