Why Mindset Matters For Healing Lyme

Why Mindset Matters For Healing Lyme
     I’m not too proud to admit that sometimes the thought of reciting affirmations and “only thinking positive thoughts” makes me want to SCREAM. See, for a long time, this is what I thought constituted “mindset work,” and I was NOT here for it. 

    But I wanted to heal my Lyme. 

    Very soon into an intensive Lyme healing journey, I realized that my running from mindset work just WASN’T working.

Rehashing the Past...Helpful or Hurtful??

Rehashing the Past...Helpful or Hurtful??
I recently heard someone say that rehashing the past wasn't healthy, and could in fact be dangerous. Here's my response!

Healing Starts with THIS...

Healing Starts with THIS...

It cannot be denied.

Healing starts with this...


Tackling - And Overcoming - Your Worst Days

Tackling - And Overcoming - Your Worst Days
“Your neck still just isn’t extending like I’d like to see it extend. It’s like it’s resisting. And that makes me wonder if YOU are resisting something?"

While I was searching and frustrated with the many tough days I had been having on my healing journey, my chiropractor gave me the biggest clue and I'm sharing this sacred story with you as well as some of my best tips for tackling the tough days as you level up your healing!

You Aren't Broken - How to Love Yourself While Healing in 3 Simple Mindset Shifts

You Aren't Broken - How to Love Yourself While Healing in 3 Simple Mindset Shifts

I’ll never stop saying it - our mind is a powerful healing tool. With practice, what may seem hard, foreign, or impossible does, in fact, become easier and impactful. And it DOES, with consistent practice, move the needle on our healing.

Mindset starts with how we view ourselves. And this is often the hardest layer to face. But it's necessary to shine love onto our being in order to heal that same being. We ARE love, after all. 

Read on for my 3 specific thoughts on loving yourself while healing.

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