What Is Zyto Scanning & How Does It Work?

What Is Zyto Scanning & How Does It Work?
Do you ever feel like you have a lot of questions about your health, but don't know who to ask? You're not alone. A lot of people feel this way, especially when it comes to mysterious illnesses.

This is why I feel compelled to introduce you to this tool that’s GREATLY impacted our family’s health, and given us more empowerment in our healing.

Please keep reading to find out ALL about Zyto scanning, a service I'm now proud to offer as part of Adele Cole Wellness.  

Neurological Lyme Basics

Neurological Lyme Basics
The neurological impact of Lyme has actually interested me over the years mostly because of my nursing background. I started my nursing career in the NeuroScience field and loved learning about that body system from the start. 

But I also experienced neurological Lyme symptoms myself. From neuropathy to mood changes and mental health imbalances, to weakness and headaches, I know first-hand the impact Lyme can have neurologically.

So how does Lyme impact the brain and nervous system exactly? And what can we do about it?

My Lyme Healing Story: Hope Found (Part 3)

My Lyme Healing Story: Hope Found (Part 3)
In case you missed anything up to this point, check out Parts 1 & 2 HERE: 

We’re going to pick up right when I was diagnosed with Lyme but hadn’t had PROPER, ongoing treatment yet. However, as you read about in Part 2, I experienced a healing breakthrough with 2 modalities: myofascial release and homeopathy/alternative medicine (which also involved lifestyle and diet changes).

I finished out high school doing a bit better because of these 2 forms of alternative medicine and by sheer determination. I did NOT feel like my health was reliable or predictable though. I felt on edge and identified as more of a “sick person” than I’d like to admit. 

Despite not feeling well I had my eyes set on working in healthcare or health sciences as a career. Through some debating and one major change in college, I became a nurse. Before my 22nd birthday I was married to an amazing man who fully supported (and still does!) my health and healing journey, graduated, passed boards, and got a job at a prestigious local hospital in an ICU there. 

My career at that point went well, but my health wasn’t great. And working day/night rotating shifts didn’t help at all. In fact, in some ways I started getting worse. 

I wasn’t seeing any alternative medicine practitioners, but was still getting my myofascial release pretty regularly. 

I was also still accruing autoimmune/rheumatological diagnoses, including being worked up for lupus. Additionally, my hormones were getting a bit whacky - a variety of symptoms were popping up, and eventually, I would also be advised to begin a PCOS workup (which I never did do and I do not have at this point). 

This was when I started looking hard at how my circumstances were impacting my health. I realized my job wasn’t helping me heal, and in fact, seemed to be making things worse. We wanted to start a family but I wasn’t well enough to make that possible. So I approached my boss about taking a different position on the unit since I really didn’t want to leave a place I loved working. Thankfully a new, less stressful position for me was able to happen - I went part-time day shift and my health started improving almost immediately. It’s no surprise I had a positive pregnancy test a few months later. 

Early in pregnancy, my husband’s (Cam) boss and his wife actually began treatment with a local Lyme Literate Nurse Practitioner and were telling Cam about it. Of course, my hubby’s ears perked up and he told them *I* also had a Lyme history. They told me to watch the documentary Under Our Skin and consider reaching out to their Lyme provider, especially since I was pregnant. 

I watched the documentary almost immediately. I was in shock. It confirmed SO much and also scared me a bit too. But this was a “helpful” type of fear, I like to call it, that pushed me to take ACTION - for myself, and my baby now too. 

I called the LLNP my husband’s boss was seeing and she got me in within weeks. The bonus for me was that she is also a nurse midwife, so she REALLY could help considering my stage of life/pregnancy as well. Spoiler alert:  I’ve been with her ever since and she’s AMAZING at what she does!

Stay tuned to read the next installment SOON where I’ll share how it went FINALLY getting connected with a capable and reputable specialist. 

Let’s make sure you’re connected with me so you stay plugged in to allll the holistic healing goodness and community that’s there for YOU! Hop into Lyme-y & Crunchy for all kinds of Lyme healing encouragement!

My Lyme Healing Story: Empowerment Rising! (PART 2)

My Lyme Healing Story: Empowerment Rising! (PART 2)
May is Lyme Disease Awareness Month, and as such, I'm sharing parts of my own story throughout May. 
Here is Part 2 of my Lyme healing story. It's where you will see that I’m not really getting "proper Lyme treatment," but yet, I start to find my healing path through all kinds of twists and turns. 
At this point, I had just gotten an actual Lyme diagnosis and just finished a month of oral antibiotics with NO (or minimal) improvements. Now my gut was wrecked, I wasn’t “better” magically, and my well-meaning family doc turfed me off to specialists to help manage my symptoms...

Read on to hear how the next 'phase' of my journey went and what TWO MAIN PARTS changed my life forever. 

Post-Op Recovery Tips for Lyme Warriors PART 1

Post-Op Recovery Tips for Lyme Warriors PART 1
I recently underwent shoulder surgery to fix an issue in my bone, and oof! It was a doozy in some ways, but also has been a really good recovery so far too. 

As someone healing Lyme, I realize that can complicate other medical stuff in my life too, AND that undergoing stress on my body (i.e. surgery!) can trigger Lyme flares and setbacks if I’m not extra careful. Prep for avoiding a surgery-induced flare starts before the surgery even happens but also continues greatly into the recovery period after. 

Thankfully I’ve got a few post-operative recovery tips I’ve learned along the way and using them this time around helped me avoid flaring and continue my BEST path to recovery. 

1 - Nutrition is key! As soon as possible, get back on your treatment regimen, AND be sure to up your antioxidant intake and detoxifiers of choice to help bolster and clean out your system after surgery. You may find adding in some extra mineral support helpful too. And don’t forget to Eat WELL. Eat to enjoy it, but also with whole, healing foods in mind. Vitamins and minerals for healing are found in a large variety of food in its natural, unprocessed state. Stick to that! 

Remember, you’ve been exposed to lots by having surgery - medications, stressors, a different environment, new germs potentially - and it takes time to recalibrate after all of that. Nutrition is the best recovery “medicine” here!

2 - Rest is crucial! Even if sleep is hard (trust me - sleeping upright after shoulder surgery is definitely NOT conducive to sleep for me!), resting your body is required for healing. 

If you need some assistance in this area of healing, I’ve got you! I have a FREE Sleep Like the Dead, Heal to Live symposium FULL of ideas for maximizing sleep. (Find it in the Guides of this group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/lymeyandcrunchy) Remember - even when sleep is hard, resting counts and is just as important (if not more so!). 

3 - Accept help! Everyone says it, but very few do it! You must do it. I’m demanding it! ;) If you don’t have help being offered, please reach out and ask. A community is part of healing, and here is one way - to rally around those needing an extra hand. 

In my next blog post I’ll share my final 3 tips with you, so make sure you’re on my email list so you don’t miss any updates! (AND get a great freebie too, while you're at it!) https://adelecole.com/landing/my-top-tick-prevention-must-haves

If you’d like more info on any of these topics, OR to hear my pre-operative and post-operative experiences directly, you can find all of that in Lyme-y & Crunchy. You’re invited to join in HERE

Let me know that you joined in the comments and I’d be happy to tag you in the videos about my surgical experience to get you started!

Disclaimer: this information isn't intended to treat, diagnose, or cure & all opinions are my own based on my own research and personal experience. Please consult with a trusted provider prior to making any medical or treatment decisions. 
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