At a time in my life when I was supposed to be living my best life, dreaming of the future, and take on each day head-on, I was instead nearly bed-ridden, exhausted constantly, sleeping over 15hrs every single day, and diagnosed with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS).
At the time, we didn’t yet know I actually have LYME eating away at my cellular function and energy levels. It was literally sucking the life out of me.
Lyme disease and coinfections can be a BEAST in terms of symptoms. Most people complain about crippling fatigue at one point or another.
But what’s going on exactly? And what can we do about it to get our explosive energy back?
One of the first key pieces (though likely not the ONLY piece of the puzzle, keep in mind) of info to share is about mitochondria.
Yes, it’s a fancy “medical” word, but nurse Adele will summarize it for ya! ;)
Mitochondria are basically the “energy factories” of our cells, so that's why we're starting here - right at the SOURCE of our energy production! They take fat and sugar and create fuel for our cells (which in turn creates fuel for our entire body). It's really a HUGELY amazing, very scientific and exact process, and your amazing body is doing it ALL day, EVERY day, in every cell, to keep you alive and functioning!
GOOD fats (polyunsaturated and glycolipids- carbs linked to a fatty acid chain) are needed for the building block of the walls of mitochondria (which includes many processes and functions of its own which contribute to the health of the mitochondria and the cell). These fats are your Omega 3s and Omega 6s and include fats found in nuts, seeds, fish, eggs, and olives, for example.
If fats and sugars become don’t/can’t move through mitochondria well, they can build up and cause cellular function to become sluggish because mitochondria are sluggish or “gunked up.”
And if our massive energy production system is all "gunked up," how well do you think it's doing its job? Hmmmm!
So why does this information matter? AND, most importantly to us at this point - HOW do we take action to combat this!?
I’ve got some answers coming up in the next blog post - Part 2 of this 2-part series.
In the meantime, hop into Lyme-y & Crunchy, the holistic Lyme-healing community, where we have an EXPLOSIVE ENERGY EVENT coming *free* to you Thurs, Apr. 28, 2022 (with replay available, so even if you missed it, you can still access it!). Check it out in the Events tab over there!
Disclaimer: this information isn't intended to treat, diagnose, or cure & all opinions are my own based on my own research and personal experience. Please consult with a trusted provider prior to making any medical or treatment decisions.