I’ve been asked SO much about how I maintain my mental health through my healing journey from Lyme disease. Because if you didn’t know, mental health struggles of ALL kinds often manifest or are exacerbated when battling Lyme disease.
Keep reading to hear my surprising suggestion for mental health improvement you can start today AND an opportunity I've created to help!

Wellness starts with your WORDS. With what you believe, and how you speak over yourself.
It’s far too easy to hear and believe lies about who we are. We are often told who we are without us even realizing it, and without it even being true. Other people tell us who we are. We tell ourselves who we are. And by the way, this goes for Lyme-ys and non-Lyme-ys alike.
But I don’t believe for a second that we were put on this earth to be mediocre. Nor is any illness, struggle, or personality type the definition of who we are. I hope today I will help you see your value, my friend. Start speaking life into yourself, and then into those around you too. Because, this, my friends, is a HUGE piece of healing and thriving.
In case no one has told you this: YOU ARE NOT LYME DISEASE. You are not a chronic illness. You are not doomed. Those factors in your life that intermingle with your being are not what define you. No medical diagnosis is YOU. No trauma is YOU. No person’s perception of you is actually YOU.
You are defined by YOU. You are light and love. You are hope and truth. These things are IN you already, and there for you to access all day, every day. If your mindset flows to what you lack, negative self-talk, illness, and lies about who you “are,” then you will manifest negativity, dis-ease, lack, and lies instead of manifesting your highest version of yourself, healing, and ultimately truth.
Our words and our thoughts have power in our lives. And if we’ve heard, accepted, and spoken over ourselves mostly negative, destructive lies, then we have to work even harder to fight back against them and shine our light right through them.
It’s up to US to change the script. Every person can be a change agent fighting against flawed mindset. Fighting for truth. Is it hard? Oh absolutely - some days are definitely harder than others when you may already not be feeling well physically, mentally, or emotionally. But it’s also never not worth it.
Our kids deserve it. Our friends and family deserve it. WE DESERVE IT. Living in our truth is living in our highest calling of our created selves. The rest may come and go. You may have things in your life you wish weren’t there. But YOU are not defined by your circumstances or situation. I see you in your light and love. I choose to be light and love. We stand together for truth.
Try this - tell me who YOU are in the comments! Let’s start changing the script we speak over ourselves right now! I’ll start...
I’m a warrior and a strong vector of light. I bring hope and healing to the world around me. I choose healing and aligning with my highest self to bring glory to God and to honor my created being and my Creator with all that I am.
If this post resonates with you, make sure you’re plugged into the Lyme-y & Crunchy community HERE. One piece I’m passionate about bringing to that platform is mindset work, and you won’t want to miss out!
Want to actively fight back and fortify your body’s natural immune system powers and move toward healing!? Check out my free Guide to read about some of the ways I did just that!
**Disclaimer: I am not a medical professional here to diagnose, treat, cure, or otherwise influence your medical journey outside of the guidance of a medical professional. I am simply sharing my own journey and what I have learned along the way. Please find a doctor you trust and discuss any medical concerns or treatments with them. Also, please know, as an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases through my site at no extra cost to you.

Uh oh. I see it!
I see it creeping in around me - in my own life AND in my friend's lives too.
Not sleeping well....eating more junk food....snapping at family....experiencing emotional upheaval....running on empty....struggling to make it through the day....
I don’t know about you, but between coronavirus craziness, summer schedule survival, working on my own healing, and simply taking care of the day-to-day needs in my home, I feel like I’ve been in survival mode these days instead of THRIVING. And you know I'm all about THRIVING despite set backs, chronic illness, or pandemics!
You too??
Feeling depleted, tired, stressed, and overwhelmed can really impact your health before you know it. I am ALL too aware of this! If you’re already recovering from chronic conditions, extra stressors just add another layer of difficulty when it comes to getting on a healthier path.
Personally, I think it’s the perfect time to Reset, Restore, and Refresh and to take some time to focus on SIMPLE 5min daily habits that will lead to improved health (body, mind, & spirit).
That's why I’ve created the 21 Day Reset on the Run for us! It’s an easy, mindful way to take back your health - body, mind, and spirit - one micro step at a time!