If you missed it, here's PART 1 of this two-part series: Lyme & Low Energy: Why the Heck Am I So Exhausted!?
So if we now know WHAT our mitochondria are and what they need to function optimally, we have FANTASTIC HACKS for upgrading our energy starting NOW!
Very very firstly - BREATHE! Seriously. Deep breathing is a KEY here because mitochondria need oxygen to do their important energy-producing work. Make time, even 30sec, every day to do some deep breathing exercises. It’s easy to Google ideas for deep breathing too, so no excuses here, ok? Set an alarm (or alarmS and do this a few times a day! Even BETTER!). Hold yourself accountable to starting here. It’s FREE and EASY, folks!
Along with breathing - work on de-stressing in general. Relaxation and feelings of peace and safety are actually tied to an increased effectiveness of neurotransmitters and hormones. THIS has a trickle-down effect that lowers our cortisol levels (stress hormone), decreases inflammation, and lowers oxidative stress (which damages cells and causes diseases and cell death). Alllll of this then frees up our mitochondria to effectively produce energy!
Next, take a look at your nutrition, since what you consume LITERALLY feeds your cells and your mitochondria. I’m not here to tell you an exact way of eating, but I am suggesting you consider avoiding foods that cause inflammation or anynon-ideal reactions in your body. Also, avoid anything that isn’t a REAL FOOD (as in, from the earth or direct from the source). Fortified, modified, and processed “foods” are NOT real food or the best nutrition sources for our bodies.
You’re looking to get healthy, whole-food carbohydrates (low in simple sugars) and plenty of GOOD quality, whole-food fats to help restore and fuel your mitochondria.
In addition, supplementing with or eating more foods rich in the following can further help heal and fuel mitochondria: NAC (n-acetyl cysteine), glutathione, CoQ10 (if NOT using atovaquone to treat Babesia as it can inhibit treatment), & acetyl-L-cartnitine. All of these help mitochondria function more optimally and help the body detox better, which is DIRECTLY related to cellular and mitochondria functionality.
Speaking of detoxing, you’ll want to also look at that overall in your body as toxins that aren’t eliminated further “gunk up” mitochondrial function. I mentioned oxidative stress above, but let’s get into what that means a little more here. Oxidative stress is due to free radicals - by-products of MANY processes in our body, but also damaging when in circulation inside of us instead of being processed and eliminated properly. I see them as a major toxic burden because oxidative stress from these free radicals can literally change DNA, damage cells, cause premature aging, cause inflammation, and lead to diseases such as cancer, Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, ALS (Lou Gehrig’s disease), and more. Um, no thanks!
So you can see how our lifestyle can directly change our health in some VERY tangible, yet DOABLE ways. Looking for energy & vibrance & healing? Start with healing your cells by getting those mitochondria powerhouses going STRONG for you! THAT, my friends, is beautiful, symbiotic healing right there!
I’ve got TWO easy next steps for you today:
1. Hop into Lyme-y & Crunchy, the holistic Lyme-healing community, where I just did an EXPLOSIVE ENERGY EVENT. Check it out in the Events tab over there - the replay will always be there for ya!
2. Reach out to me RIGHT AWAY about my *NEW* program: Design Your Holisitc Lyme Healing Blueprint. This empowerment-focused 2wk program will look at all aspects of holistic tick-borne illness healing that I’ve used and are shown effective for rebuilding your health despite a Lyme or coinfection diagnosis. You will get clear action steps you can take toward healing to experience results faster, more efficiently, and quite likely saving lots of money along the way, all while maintaining your peace and conserving (and rebuilding!) your energy!
It’s rolling out for Lyme Disease Awareness month, May 2022. BUT I have LIMITED Founding Member spots available at 40% off right now. So let’s chat to see if this is good fit for you and your healing goals. Comment here or email me at oilswithadele@gmail.com XOXO