In case you missed anything up to this point, check out Parts 1, 2, & 3 HERE:
After Part 4 we had left off where I had discovered a KEY to healing being HOLISTIC LIFESTYLE changes. And to this day (and maybe forever!) most of those healing modalities will be integrated into my life.
To get to where I am today, the next part of this journey looked like me having 5 pregnancies with 4 babies, me continuing to work full-time and then part-time, our fam integrating our holistic lifestyle into how we were raising our children, and starting to both homeschool and “homestead in suburbia” - 2 goals I had thought I would have to give up because of my health in the past. Healing really is a miraculous feeling and dreams really can come true.
Because I know I’ll get asked, and I'm happy to share, of my 4 kids, my oldest 3 ended up with Lyme and coinfections as young kids (one as young as 2yo). Here’s how that all went down in a brief summary:
~All my kids are tested for my tick borne illnesses at birth by blood tests, cord blood testing, and/or placenta testing. All were negative at this time and were asymptomatic.
~Didn’t do anything more for them except maintained a very healthy, holistic lifestyle as they grew
~All my kids ended up getting tick bites early in childhood, and at that time, testing via my LLMD revealed Lyme and cos for each of them minus my youngest (his tick was negative for everything and he remained asymptomatic).
~BUT CD57 testing in particular was SO low that to my LLMD, and based on best assumptions/deduction, they had been fighting some of what I had given them in utero, even though I treated through all pregnancies and while breastfeeding. It seemed the tick bites they received “activated” Lyme in their systems and their immune systems were already worn out (hence low CD57) and could not keep fighting it back.
~Thankfully they were VERY health and minimally symptomatic!
~They have all been treated since diagnosed and have overcome occasional tick bites when we aren’t vigilant about our prevention routine. (I’ve fine-tuned our routine for both prevention AND proactivity in the event of a bite and created both a FREE Tick Bite Action Plan and Tick Prevention Must-Haves document that you are welcome to download and enjoy!) They are doing REALLY well and I believe headed for full remission soon (though their healing is evident as it stands now, and they have maintained exceptional health throughout all of their ups and downs, for which I’m grateful!)
Most recently, within the past couple years, my journey to healing took a turn with a new diagnosis of Bartonella which I have blogged about here for you if you’re interested in learning about how that’s gone for me.
In a nut shell, Bart was holding up my Lyme healing and had been able to go undetected probably for years. Thanks to innovations with testing, we were able to confirm it, and thanks to treatment options, I plan on beating it!
I’ve also most recently added in regular Zyto scanning, EMDR and another round of talk therapy, regular chiropractic care, and more focused mindset work with so very great, sustainable results.
My story shows that HEALING IS POSSIBLE.
All of my journey has lead me to what I do today to help others. Through my work I save those desiring full Lyme healing time, energy, and money along the way because you don’t have to figure it out as you go like I had to - I lay all the holistic aspects to healing out for you!
The place to start is the free holistic healing community and resource center just for you - Lyme-y & Crunchy. You’ll find healing, hope, and help there.
If you’re looking to put rocket boosters on your healing journey and see greater gains faster, I’ve got that covered too! You’ll want to check out my Design Your Holistic Lyme Healing Blueprint. It is exactly what I spent YEARS figuring out to amplify my healing. Check it out and reach out to me to see if this could be a good fit for you and to find out about Founding Member and Case Study scholarship options (the LIMITED-TIME discount opportunities I'm currently offering).

In case you missed anything up to this point, check out Parts 1 & 2 HERE:
We’re going to pick up right when I was diagnosed with Lyme but hadn’t had PROPER, ongoing treatment yet. However, as you read about in Part 2, I experienced a healing breakthrough with 2 modalities: myofascial release and homeopathy/alternative medicine (which also involved lifestyle and diet changes).
I finished out high school doing a bit better because of these 2 forms of alternative medicine and by sheer determination. I did NOT feel like my health was reliable or predictable though. I felt on edge and identified as more of a “sick person” than I’d like to admit.
Despite not feeling well I had my eyes set on working in healthcare or health sciences as a career. Through some debating and one major change in college, I became a nurse. Before my 22nd birthday I was married to an amazing man who fully supported (and still does!) my health and healing journey, graduated, passed boards, and got a job at a prestigious local hospital in an ICU there.
My career at that point went well, but my health wasn’t great. And working day/night rotating shifts didn’t help at all. In fact, in some ways I started getting worse.
I wasn’t seeing any alternative medicine practitioners, but was still getting my myofascial release pretty regularly.
I was also still accruing autoimmune/rheumatological diagnoses, including being worked up for lupus. Additionally, my hormones were getting a bit whacky - a variety of symptoms were popping up, and eventually, I would also be advised to begin a PCOS workup (which I never did do and I do not have at this point).
This was when I started looking hard at how my circumstances were impacting my health. I realized my job wasn’t helping me heal, and in fact, seemed to be making things worse. We wanted to start a family but I wasn’t well enough to make that possible. So I approached my boss about taking a different position on the unit since I really didn’t want to leave a place I loved working. Thankfully a new, less stressful position for me was able to happen - I went part-time day shift and my health started improving almost immediately. It’s no surprise I had a positive pregnancy test a few months later.
Early in pregnancy, my husband’s (Cam) boss and his wife actually began treatment with a local Lyme Literate Nurse Practitioner and were telling Cam about it. Of course, my hubby’s ears perked up and he told them *I* also had a Lyme history. They told me to watch the documentary Under Our Skin and consider reaching out to their Lyme provider, especially since I was pregnant.
I watched the documentary almost immediately. I was in shock. It confirmed SO much and also scared me a bit too. But this was a “helpful” type of fear, I like to call it, that pushed me to take ACTION - for myself, and my baby now too.
I called the LLNP my husband’s boss was seeing and she got me in within weeks. The bonus for me was that she is also a nurse midwife, so she REALLY could help considering my stage of life/pregnancy as well. Spoiler alert: I’ve been with her ever since and she’s AMAZING at what she does!
Stay tuned to read the next installment SOON where I’ll share how it went FINALLY getting connected with a capable and reputable specialist.
Let’s make sure you’re connected with me so you stay plugged in to allll the holistic healing goodness and community that’s there for YOU! Hop into Lyme-y & Crunchy for all kinds of Lyme healing encouragement!

My Journey:
I used to be confused and dejected about health. Now I see how multi-faceted and freeing it can be.
I used to be nearly bedridden. Now I thrive many more hours out of bed than in it.
I used to be in constant, burning pain 24hrs a day. Now I am pain-free.
I used to be told I was crazy or that nothing was wrong with me, despite my obvious health decline. Now I advocate boldly for myself and do not choose a healing team that I cannot collaborate with and be respected by and listened to.
I used to have scarce or tumultuous sleep that was never sufficient for me to feel rested. Now I feel rested daily and rarely need a nap.
I used to be unable to exercise and sometimes could hardly even move to get around my house. Now I train up to 6 days a week in JiuJitsu, weight lifting, and conditioning without any issues.
I used to think I wasn’t worthy of more. Now I claim all my victories and miracles, knowing blessings come to me abundantly because I AM worthy.
I used to struggle with my mental health because of the way I was treated surrounding an illness that wasn’t “believable” or even recognized. Now I recognize healing as also working through the trauma and abuse I’ve endured due to my Lyme journey.
I used to doubt I’d ever have a family of my own. Now I have the best husband in the world and 4 beautiful children.
I used to experience fear and panic around ticks and tick-borne illnesses. Now I live an empowered, peaceful, active life in spite of ticks.
I used to have 7+ (and counting) autoimmune, rheumatological, and women’s health diagnoses. Now I no longer have a diagnosis of those diseases or conditions.
I used to take medications to help manage increasing symptoms of a treatable disease that no one would address as one root cause for my health decline. Now I no longer experience excessive symptoms and am treating the disease itself while bolstering my own, God-given healthy body.
I used to be unable to think or communicate clearly. Now my whole life centers around using my mind to its fullest and communicating daily with all kinds of people.
I used to pass out and overheat constantly. Now my body regulates itself normally.
I used to be a shell of myself. Now I am my very best me.
I used to not be able to be there for others. Now I show up.
I used to be sickly and run-down. Now I am vibrant and robust.
I used to have endless stomach issues. Now I have a strong, healed gut.
I used to minimize the value of mindset, affirmations, and non-traditional healing practices. Now I embrace ALL that there is to healing as part of my every day life.
I used to be missing a healing, supportive community around me. Now I have cultivated and plugged into many.
I used to not trust my health. Now I know my healing is reliable.
I used to identify as my diagnosis of Lyme. Now I am me and Lyme does not define me.
I used to count on the traditional medicine community to help me. Now I take ownership of my healing journey.
I used to doubt I could have a meaningful vocation. Now I am using my experience as an ICU RN and Lyme Warrior to help me live out my passion for serving the Lyme community and building multiple income streams and copious free offerings for all.
I used to be skeptical and unknowledgeable about alternative medicine as an option for my healing. Now I recognize that an open-minded, holistic approach to healing is one of my many miracles unfolding and my “healing toolbox” contains endless resources and options for healing that support my body instead of depleting it.
I used to believe I would die before I saw old age. Now I see limitless opportunities in my healing as it unfolds and a long, healthy life before me.
I used to be afraid to dream or set goals. Now I flourish in my daily dreaming and goal setting.
I used to think I could never heal from Lyme and coinfections. Now I experience healing I haven’t known since childhood.
Your past or present circumstances never have to dictate your future. I want you to remember that.
This is just the tip of the iceberg of what healing can look like. Let’s celebrate our journeys, wherever we are on them, this Lyme Disease Awareness Month.
What is at least one improvement or healing moment YOU'VE experienced on your journey?
(Many thanks to the original poster who inspired me to document MY journey in this way! I forget who it was, but if you see this - you are a beautiful soul!)
If you want to hear even more of my story and be inspired in your healing journey, you'll DEFINITELY want to plug into Lyme-y & Crunchy (click it!) right away! We're excited to have you join us!
Disclaimer: this information isn't intended to treat, diagnose, or cure & all opinions are my own based on my own research and personal experience. Please consult with a trusted provider prior to making any medical or treatment decisions.

May is Lyme Disease Awareness Month, and as such, I'm sharing parts of my own story throughout May.
Here's PART 1 of my Lyme (healing) story - starting at the very beginning including all the ups and downs I navigated as a kid who just kept getting sicker...
The summer before 7th grade I remember some tick bites after hiking in central PA where I live. No big deal back then - NO ONE had "Lyme" in mind at that time (over 20yrs ago). I was happily living my best pre-teen life, excelling academically, honing my athletic giftings and becoming accomplished in a couple of sports, and developing a quality social life with a variety of activities and interests. It was supposed to be a great season of my life.
Instead, it became a nightmare.

I believe RELIEF and ANSWERS exist, and I don’t doubt healing from Lyme and chronic illness is possible!
Here’s 4 reasons why I firmly believe that healing is possible for you and me.