Get Your Detox Bath On!

One of my favorite ways to unwind and improve my health simultaneously is by utilizing detox baths routinely. Part self care, part HEALTH care - detoxing your body from toxins and ‘yuck’ during whatever healing journey you’re on is an easy, cheap, relaxing way to help the healing process move along.

Think about it: if your body is all gunked up with toxins (official terminology there! ;) ), die off from dis-ease fighting, damaged/dead cells, heavy metals, chemicals, etc, how well do you think it can keep up the healing processes you want it to be focused on? 

Never mind that relaxing and rejuvenating is also healing! And the components of a detox bath can offer additional healing properties as well, beyond just drawing toxins out of your pores. They can reduce inflammation, provide key mineral nutrition that is hard to get just through food alone, balance the pH of your body (necessary for maximum health!), and improve immune function...and more! 

Here’s a simple Base Recipe for a bangin’ detox bath! Don’t like soaking in the tub? Cut ingredients in half and do a foot soak instead! 

  • 1c Epsom salts - a source of Magnesium and other key minerals for your body; hugely helpful detoxer. Yes, you can absorb that goodness through your skin!

  • 1/4c Apple Cider vinegar - helps with inflammation, and helps you sweat out impurities

  • 1/2c Bentonite clay - pH reducer - a good thing!, pulls toxins, heavy metals, and waste OUT

  • 1/2c Baking soda - pH balancer, boosts liver function (huge detoxing organ!), and supports digestive and immune systems

Now as I will ALWAYS tell you - listen to your body! Start with much lesser amounts of these ingredients and work your way up gradually. Don’t feel like you need to use ALL ingredients in every bath. Many baths I make I just throw some Epsom salt in and call it good enough! If you feel bad while in the bath - nauseous, overheated, dizzy, etc - that can happen and is a sign to get out, hydrate, and rest. You overdid it a bit. I’ve heard that 10-20min in a detox bath can be plenty, especially at first, but up to 40min can help you maximize the health benefits of the soak. Keep the bath water as hot as tolerated so you can sweat the junk out effectively! Yes, sweating is part of the key to success here. 

Be creative - there are plenty of ways to spice up the recipe! Wanna hear some of my personal tips and tricks?

Head over to my community HERE

**Disclaimer: I am not a medical professional here to diagnose, treat, cure, or otherwise influence your medical journey outside of the guidance of a medical professional. I am simply sharing my own journey and what I have learned along the way. Please find a doctor you trust and discuss any medical concerns or treatments with them. Also, please know, as an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases through my site at no extra cost to you.


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