“You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.” ~Jim Rohn
This quote is one of my favorites. Heck, so is Jim Rohn! It's a quote that, to me, sums up the importance of our “inner circle” - of our “sphere of influence.” Do you think about that on your journey? Do you seek to develop a circle of influence worthy of becoming?
I think ANYONE going through ANYTHING at ANY TIME needs a great support system and circle of influence around them. I realize this isn’t always reality for people, especially where Lyme and chronic issues are concerned, but I also think that’s when you have to fight harder to get that trusted and uplifting inner circle. The one you know believes you; will fight for you; has your back. And sometimes, the best of our inner circle is right under our noses.
My biggest influence over the years had the biggest impact in the early stages of my illness and journey to my diagnosis. It is, not surprisingly, my mom.
As a newly sick and struggling teen with a “mystery health problem,” my mom gave me the first glimpse of what medical advocacy can look like: a calm, organized, informed FORCE. Someone willing to walk step by step through hoops and processes to get an answer. Someone willing to think outside the box for solutions. Someone who knows the truth when she sees it. Someone who transmits power and the light of love to even the most sick and depressed.
When I think of what Christ talks about in the Bible about being the “hands and feet,” my mom was exactly that within my own healing journey. In fact, she has been one of the biggest inspirational factors in me pursuing a nursing career, and now Lyme Coaching, with its education and advocacy components.
Even in our weakness, illness, and struggle we are being shaped and refined. Our sphere of influence is one of the biggest refining and growth tools we can have, so today I encourage you to look closely at where you are drawing inspiration and hope from. Shout out your inspirational forces in the comments so that we can celebrate them with you! We never journey alone, my friends.
If you’d like to hear more about my amazing mama, catch the video I did about her here HERE.
I invite you to join my holistic Lyme healing community right HERE.