I've said it before and I'll never stop saying it - mindset is a KEY to any healing journey, Lyme disease included.
Conscious language is a piece of the "mindset healing pie." It is using your words (and thoughts) wisely. It’s choosing positivity and choosing to find the good in the circumstance, because your actions/words/etc follow your thoughts. It’s taking every thought captive (because sometimes thoughts pop up before we realize they are even there) and reframing unhealthy/untrue thoughts if necessary. Developing conscious language is like working on a muscle or muscle group - the more you work on it, the stronger and better functioning it becomes. Your ability to recognize and use conscious language will follow your efforts to develop this skill.
This isn’t about toxic positivity, lying to yourself, or not recognizing reality. It is about CHOICE. It is choosing healing. It is choosing truth. It is designing your path. Your brain has neuroplasticity. It CAN heal from injury and develop new pathways and synapses. Therefore, it CAN learn new ways of thinking, and how we speak has a DIRECT impact on how we continue to think.
So how do we make positive steps towards better conscious language in our day-to-day lives? Even when the reality is that life is TOUGH, how do we combat the negativity and lies that threaten our health?
I’m going to share my 5 best tips with you to EASILY practice powerful conscious language prompts no matter what life throws at you!
“I am,” “I will,” “I have” statements instead of “I’ll try,” “I might,” “I hope to” - so instead of saying “I’ll try to workout more next week,” reframe the statement to include SUCCESS: “I WILL work out more/3x/whatever (be specific too if you can!) next week.” Practice confidence and commitment to your statements.
Remind yourself as often as needed that circumstances are happening FOR you, not TO you - this is a POWERFUL way to reassure yourself that GOOD comes to you and is yours. We are not a product of random events. We are shaped and molded by our lives, and I believe that all things work together for good.
I “get to” do x/y/z instead of I HAVE to do x/y/z - when life throws us things we’d rather not do, but HAVE to (hello laundry ;P), this phrase works SO well to help remind us that we are privileged and capable. We GET to get out of bed and take on the day. We GET to take in food and/or supplements that fuel and heal our bodies. We GET to work on our conscious language to help spur on further healing.
“NEGATIVE out, POSITIVE in” type statements - this is great to use when needing to pause, deep breathe, and redirect negativity and lies that flood your brain/language. For example, if anxious, maybe try saying “Worry OUT, Peace IN.” If feeling unsure or skeptical, try “Doubt OUT, Faith IN.” You can tailor this to exactly what serves your best self and highest healing!
“Cancel, delete” - when heading toward negative/unhealthy verbiage/thought patterns, try simply stating that you “cancel delete” that negative lie. This lets you pivot immediately away from destructive speech and choose to take a path of healing, life-giving speech instead.
Remember - YOU get the health benefits of working on this area of your healing journey, and every step in the right direction is just that - a step in the right direction, toward healing! Celebrate, and know that I celebrate with you!
Enjoy and embrace the journey, my friends!