Want to know some tricks for overcoming your fear of ticks? My experience doing just that myself will offer you a very practical starting point.
Ticks used to freak me out. I know most of you KNOW! The fear, the anxiety, the dread, the panic. If someone got a bite I’d legitimately have panic attacks.
All of this heightened emotional response just kept getting worse and worse too. And I began to feel so defeated. My fear was holding me back and interfering with how I wanted to live my best life.
I knew that this fear wasn’t serving me or my loved ones, but what could I do about it?
For me, it was about embracing empowerment.
In other words, I HAD to come to terms with what I *could* change or influence about the world of ticks. Taking ACTION allowed me to exercise my POWER and feel (and KNOW) I was making an actual difference in our health and wellbeing.
I mean, realistically I knew I single-handedly wasn’t going to rid the world of ticks, BUT I could choose to fight back against them instead of panicking over them.
I started putting together a game plan for tick prevention and tick bites for my family so that I felt prepared and knew I was doing the best I felt I could do. And admittedly, I also embraced that I would just have to let go of my grip a tiny bit too. #controlissues
The truth is, I wasn’t willing to sacrifice our enjoyment of the outdoors and utilizing its healing powers, NOR would I compromise the health of my family by using toxic products to protect us.
If you’d like to hear about our tick prevention strategies, grab the document I created HERE. This is EXACTLY what my family uses to stay safe from ticks all year round!
If you’d like more info on what our family does should we face a tick bite, grab my Tick Bite Action Plan HERE. This document literally helped me save my own sanity!
Disclaimer: this information isn't intended to treat, diagnose, or cure & all opinions are my own based on my own research and personal experience. Please consult with a trusted provider prior to making any medical or treatment decisions.